Saturday, July 16, 2011

hello, iPad

It's safe to say that my college degree has already proven worthwhile. I was thoroughly spoiled by my wonderful Aunt Val and Uncle Max when they drove up to Santa Barbara from LA for brunch at Shoreline Cafe... and brought a special something with them. I opened the sexy, red leather smart cover first. I almost couldn't continue... An iPad!!!!??? FOR ME!?

Becoming the owner of an iPad 2 was a pretty sweet initiation into the world of Apple product consumption. I don't know if I was off sailing or just plain aloof when the whole Apple craze first happened, but my only experience with iGadgets thus far has been a preprogrammed hand-me-down iPod from Gleb (thank you, darling). I seriously didn't even have iTunes on my computer (I'm more of a Pandora kinda gal... just let it play).

Now, I understand the craze. So sleek. So intuitive. So small enough to take to Africa! One wireless keyboard, one camera connection kit, and a whole lot of hours later, I am proud to say that I am creating this entire blog post via iPad! Thank you, Max and Val, for making this all possible!

Tomorrow we venture to LA-- really, CARmageddon is THIS weekend?-- and sleep one more night in the States before jumping on a 16-hour flight to the other side of the world (Dubai, to be exact). It's 9pm on the eve of our departure, so I thought I should upload a few pics to prove that this blog, pictures and all, can really happen via iPad :)

The essentials (iPad included)

Abby weighs in (she and the pack made the cut)

My saving grace on the mountain (wish I could bring my real Grace, too!)


  1. AH! Hannah! It's all happening! Wish you the very best on your journey and can't wait to read what's about to come.

    And I'm pretty sure if you just snuck me in you carry-on, we would have made the cut too. ;)

    Love you. Grace

  2. omg i'm just catching up now!!!! this is sooo awesome han!!! i love you!!!!! <3 ky
