Thursday, July 21, 2011

hello, Dubai-bye

Between the haze, the heat, and the 16-hour flight hangover, my experience in Dubai was a bit of a blur. We had about 20 hours to explore the city and spend the night in a bed before jumping back on a plane to Tanzania. And while, of course, 20 hours isn't enough time to get to know a place, I decided that Dubai is really not for me.

The incongruous, artificial nature of the place just made it feel weird. No doubt the buildings they've erected in this desert are stunning and noteworthy, but I couldn't help feeling like it was all just trying too hard and falling flat.

An artificial snow park in the mall. The tallest building in the world. The bright white pillars, arching ceilings of glass, and nonstop air conditioning. It doesn't quite line up with the burkas and debilitating desert heat. In any event, it was a cool place to see. And the contrast from this carefully controlled city to wild Africa will be quite a ride...


  1. sorry this is messed up! rushing off to safari!!!

  2. i love that this is "messed up" i would've scrolled up to see the pictures twice anyway!!!! i'm so excited to read (and comment on) each and every blogpost from here on out. you are a beautiful writer han, i can hear you narrating!!! i love the seattle coffee pic, too funny & ironic, i would've LOLed. the food looked good, though right? can i request a food post?

  3. i second food post
