Tuesday, August 2, 2011

jambo, mama africa

It's 6am and we're waiting in the lobby at the gorgeous African Tulip hotel to be picked up and taken to the bus station to catch the "Dar Express"-- a 10-11 hour bus trip from Arusha back to Dar es Salaam.

Just got back from 6 days on Kilimanjaro and week in the bush. They say you haven't really had fun until you get your boots dirty... And, well, we had to take our boots off before even entering the hotel. Ha ha :)

Wish I had had the energy last night to update, but we have been on a whirlwind of adventure with not much time to stop and catch out breaths... Literally. I know this is a spoiler (because I will, of course, add an entire post about this), but we made it to the roof of Africa!!!! 19,000 feet. The highest point in Africa. Man, oh, man. I'm getting nauseous just typing that.

Ok, enough for now. Just had to do a quick update to let you know I'm alive, and despite the fatigue, feeling empowered, enlightened, and excited to head out to the next adventure!!


  1. Eeeeek! Can't wait for the next post!

  2. power to the malan crew for that huge accomplishment!!! can't wait to read more!

  3. you diiiidd iiitt. so awesome.

  4. Han: Thank you for posting these blogs. Your writing transcends me effortlessly back to Africa. Your descriptions are rich with texture, your observations honest and profound.

    Cherish your independence, revel in the beauty of the place, gulp down each new experience and embrace every new aquaintance as you will learn that fellow travelers become firm friends - even if your time together is brief.

    Hambe gashle

    Your loving dad
