Wednesday, August 17, 2011

hello, camping in the bush

Your first day out in the bush is always magical. No matter where you're coming from, the simple, primal freedom of a wildlife reserve in Africa will transport your spirit and your mind. There's this almost tangible calmness about it, while at the same time you can't help but feel exhilarated by the sheer beauty and complexity of nature.

Our first night of camping on safari proved a testament to this calmness... this surrending to the wild. After a stunning sunset and hearty, warm meal in the mess tent with about 80 other campers from all over the world, we settled into our tents for two. In contrast to my frequent racing mind and restless body, I felt completely at ease. I listened easily to the murmuring of the lively cooks cleaning up, the whispering of nearby campers, and rumbling of the token snorer who is always asleep before everyone else.

Then I felt a tug next to my tent. Not phased (there were so many people around), I continued to relax and to listen. Then another tug, followed by grinding. It continued. Tug. Grind, grind, grind. Tug. Grind, grind, grind. Hmm. My mind kicked into gear. It must be the Masai cattle, grazing around the campsite. Satisfied with my determination, I let the calm wash back over me and send me to sleep.

Some time later (maybe an hour), I got up to walk to the toilet. As I followed my dim flashlight through the tents, I felt a presence to my left. I shone my light in that direction and looked up: a pack of about ten zebras hung their heads to the grass, munching away. I didn't even freak out. They were zebras, I thought. Not cows. I continued to the toilet, back to my tent, and fell deep asleep among the campers, cooks, and zebras. We're camping in the bush, and it's wonderful.

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